Yabba-Dabba-Dinosaurs! Wiki

Woman from the Future! is the second segment fo the twelfth episode of Yabba-Dabba-Dinosaurs!


Pebbles is upset about Bamm-Bamm because he destroys all of her inventions with his club. Shortly thereafter, she meets herself from the future. What she has to say lets Bamm-Bamm's destructive fury stand in a different light. But this has moved into the Crags that is in grave danger. It is now up to Pebbles and her future self to save Bamm-Bamm.

Characters in episode[]


The Crags[]

  • Treehouse
  • Time Machine (only appearance)


  • Snorkasaurus
  • Pterodactyl
  • Slugasauruses
  • Meerkats
  • Triceratops
  • Giant Butterflies (in a background)
  • Brontosaurus (as Bronto-Kabobs)
